Bequests - Leave a legacy

The work of the Clubs will be as important in the future as in the past. So income from legacies and bequests continues to be of immense value to us. For the correct form of words and information on the tax benefits please consult your solicitor when you are drawing up or altering your will. Please donate to Durham Association of Boys & Girls Clubs - Registered Charity Number: 520920.


By entering into a Deed of Covenant either as an individual or as a company you can provide extra help at no cost to yourself - for every £1 you give under Deed of Covenant the Inland Revenue will contribute almost 30 pence extra. Please help us in this way and let the taxman make your donation grow. Higher rate taxpayers will also qualify for additional income tax relief.

Direct donations - “Gift Aid”

Much of our need is urgent and requires cash that can be used directly and immediately. That’s the special value of a direct donation to DABGC. By companies - companies can now gain tax relief on single gifts. By individuals - single gifts are deductible against income tax for higher rate taxpayers and the Inland Revenue will refund almost 30p for every £1 contributed in this way. Gift Aid donations need to be made in conjunction with a declaration Inland Revenue Form.


The County Association organises many creative and sporting events and activities each year, which are a valued part of Club life. Sponsorship of such an event can benefit a company or organisation in promotional terms, helping to further their marketing plans.

Gifts in Kind

These can have a double value; they can supply urgent needs in Clubs and by association, gain publicity and enhancement of reputation from the donor. In some case if the gift in kind is not appropriate for use by clubs the gifts can be auctioned and money raised for them.


There are a number of opportunities for you to help local Clubs by taking advertisements in various publications and thereby subsidising and reducing the cost of such activities. Our Annual Report and the programmes for our various fund raising events are just some of these publications.

Matching Donations

We are always grateful to benefactors who offer to match funds gathered by the Clubs. This is of great benefit as it serves as an incentive to the organisation.

Payroll Giving

Individual employees are now able to make unlimited donations to any charity of their choice from their pre-tax pay. Thus, the employee need only give 78p for the charity to receive £1. If you are an employer or an employee whose company decides to get involved in payroll giving, please include DABGC on your list of named charities.


People from all backgrounds and with different skills who give their time to Clubs partake in one of the most valuable and appreciated forms of giving. If you are able and prepared to help with our urgent need in relation to the recruitment of additional volunteer workers and Management Committee Members for our affiliated Clubs please contact the Executive Youth Officers.

Clubs are always looking for people to join their existing teams of voluntary leaders - men and women with genuine interest in the development of young people and a willingness to give up one or two evenings per week to help young people in their leisure time activities.

The following are some of the ways in which help is always required.

Money raisers

All Clubs have to spend an increasing amount of time in raising money and most have special committees to organise functions such as dances, bingo and jumble sales. All clubs urgently need people with the ability to organise these functions.

Specialist activity leaders

What’s your hobby? Something energetic like football, quiet like stamp collecting or slightly out of the ordinary like silkscreen printing. Whatever it is, you’ll find you enjoy it far more if you can pass on your skills and interest to young people and have the satisfaction of sharing your enthusiasm.


Without the help of a large number of volunteers we would not exist. You don’t need to be a specialist or a club helper - all you need is the willingness to help with the supervision of basic club activities - collecting subscriptions, staffing of the coffee bar or transporting club members to activities away from the club are a few of the tasks for which volunteers can greatly assist the Club Leader. Any offers of help should be addressed to your nearest Club or, alternatively write to:

Durham Association of Boys & Girls Clubs
Old Court House
Newcastle Road
County Durham, DH3 3AU
Telephone & Fax: (0191) 3831894
Executive Youth Officer: Alan Watson: 07917156953
Executive Youth Officer: Simon Healey: 07917156954

Investing in young people lasts a lifetime.

Benefits of Being a Member

Our Supporters

Belle Vue Community, Sports and Youth Centre
Durham Agency Against Crime
Gateshead Redheugh (1957)
McKenzie Bell & Sons Solicitors
Ocean Youth Trust
Solar Trophies
Adare SEC
South Shields Surf School