Durham Association of Boys & Girls Clubs are committed and dedicated to supporting young people throughout the region to help them to achieve their goals and become a valued member of the local and wider community.

  • To foster and support the development of new clubs; male, female and mixed, in areas of need.
  • To support and develop existing clubs and their voluntary management.
  • To present opportunities to young people so they may take part in a wide range of activities to increase their personal and social development.
  • To promote and compliment the work of Ambition, NABGC and other partners throughout the Durham Association area.
  • To act as liaison between our National organisations and other partners with our affiliated clubs and also between government, local authorities, public bodies, trust funds and other external agencies concerned with youth provision.
  • To provide guidance, advice and support where requested to our individual clubs on areas of concern, such as financial or internal organisation matters.
  • To encourage and provide Inter-Club, County, Regional and National Sports and Creative Activities, Adventure Courses, Training, Development and International opportunities.
  • To provide for Leader, Management and Members Training.
  • To raise funds for the furtherance of the above objectives.
  • To provide equality of access and opportunity for all young people irrespective of race, culture, sex, religion.
  • To identify and promote good practice throughout the Association.
  • To develop effective working partnerships with a wide range of organisations and agencies.

Investing in young people lasts a lifetime.

Support us

Our Supporters

Belle Vue Community, Sports and Youth Centre
Durham Agency Against Crime
Gateshead Redheugh (1957)
McKenzie Bell & Sons Solicitors
Ocean Youth Trust
Solar Trophies
Adare SEC
South Shields Surf School